The WASH package

When WASH interventions are carried out with multiple WASH components, they are called a WASH Package. The following table provides a short description of each component:

ComponentIn ScopeExamples


  • access to clean drinking water

  • home water (cooking, washing, cleaning, laundry, sanitation)

  • water treatment, transport, safe handling and storage

  • borehole, well or spring discovery, construction, cleaning and repair

  • saltwater and other contamination pumping and disinfecting

  • mechanised water transportation and distribution via storage tanks, taps, buckets

  • source and household water treatment (HWT)

  • water treatment


  • toilets and on site excreta management for faeces and urine

  • fecal sludge management

  • sewerage,drainage or combined systems

  • latrine construction and repair for camps and households

  • temporary latrine alternatives such as disposable bags

  • construction and repair of pipe and septic tank sewerage systems

  • waste water treatment and the safe disposal of effluent or faecal sludge


  • community education on disease risks and transmission routes

  • social mobilisation i.e. a community led total sanitation (CLTS) programme to empower communities to be open defecation free

  • distribution of soap and/or hygiene kits

  • distribution and disposal of sanitary materials

  • provision of dignified, secure, 24 hour access to private female friendly toilets and washrooms at home and in public and institutional spaces

  • rubbish collection, household disinfection and improved land drainage

Which maps?

Click through on each section to read more on the WASH packages and examples of some of the products that could be produced.

Last updated