Health care institutions and WASH

Mapping of health care institutes and their WASH capabilities and requirements including main location, capacity, availability, operational status and provider of water supply. Location, quantity, type, operational status, capacity, gender division, menstrual, baby changing and limited mobility facilities of toilets to both patients and staff. Location, quantity, operational status, capacity, type of hygiene stations including availability of water and soap. Location, quantity, operational status, capacity, type (normal sharp and infectious) of waste collection stations including if waste separation is carried out and into what number and type of categories . Consider indicators for change/improvement over time.

Strategic or operational?


Basemap, baseline or situational?


When might it be produced?

Planning for WASH investments and resource allocations and prepardness.

Intended audience

WASH cluster and national/regional government.

Influence on humanitarian decisions

Planning for WASH investments and resource allocations and prepardness planning.



  • See description.


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