Food-related diseases
The map should include geographical data that shows the incidence of diseases related to food insecurity and malnutrition.
Strategic or operational?
Basemap, baseline or situational?
When might it be produced?
This will be dependent on the availability of data.
Intended audience
Strategic response planners
The health cluster.
Influence on humanitarian decisions
The maps shows areas affected by long-term food security, using health as a proxy indicator. It supports the targeting of response.
Depending on data available, and boundaries used (i.e. health or admin). If possible try to provide analysis that identifies areas of high incidence of food security related disease. Significant expertise needed from health professionals to ensure validity of results. If temporal data is available, then show trends over time, or current trend for each area. Possibly relate to data on response to measure effectiveness.
Disease records at appropriate level of granularity.
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