Existing conflict and displaced populations information
The map shows the locations where conflict is occuring - insecure regions, maps of migrant flows and concentrations of migrants (IDP/refugee) overlaid on food insecutiry information (IPC).
Strategic or operational?
Basemap, baseline or situational?
Basemap, baseline or situational
When might it be produced?
As early as possible in a response and repeated as situation changes.
Intended audience
World Food Programme (WFP)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Influence on humanitarian decisions
Supports a contextual understanding of the area. It is useful for helping to understand where populations are moving and where there may be issues for distributions etc.
Use a simple basemap to show administrative areas, areas of active conflict & unrest and overlay with arrows showing movements of people. Labels indicate increase or decrease in vulnerable people to an area.
Conflict zones and areas of unrest.
Movement of people and numbers of people if available.
Basic population density information and Administration boundaries.
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