Existing conflict and displaced populations information

The map shows the locations where conflict is occuring - insecure regions, maps of migrant flows and concentrations of migrants (IDP/refugee) overlaid on food insecutiry information (IPC).

Strategic or operational?


Basemap, baseline or situational?

Basemap, baseline or situational

When might it be produced?

As early as possible in a response and repeated as situation changes.

Intended audience

  • World Food Programme (WFP)

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Influence on humanitarian decisions

Supports a contextual understanding of the area. It is useful for helping to understand where populations are moving and where there may be issues for distributions etc.


Use a simple basemap to show administrative areas, areas of active conflict & unrest and overlay with arrows showing movements of people. Labels indicate increase or decrease in vulnerable people to an area.


  • Conflict zones and areas of unrest.

  • Movement of people and numbers of people if available.

  • Basic population density information and Administration boundaries.

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