Emergency mapping market analysis (EMMA)

Emergency mapping market analysis can be used to get a deeper understanding of the critical typology of food security crisis and is conducted at community level. Examples of these 'maps' tend to be more like flow diagrams of the market system rather than spatial representations of the data. Key is to pull out key issues/partial disruption or complete disruption within the market system. Outputs from this can be mapped onto other monitoring indicators.

Strategic or operational?

Strategic and operational.

Basemap, baseline or situational?

Baseline and situational

When might it be produced?

After the EMMA assessment is completed and updated following subsequent assessments.

Intended audience

  • Food security cluster

  • World Food Programme (WFP)

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

  • Response actors

Influence on humanitarian decisions

Provides context for the type of emergency and focusses response actions to a specific typology of food security crisis.



  • EMMA output


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