Food distribution plan
Map shows the number of households, beneficiaries and total metric tons of distributed food by island and province in Vanuatu
Strategic or operational?
Basemap, baseline or situational?
When might it be produced?
After the initial assessments of a response.
Intended audience
World Food Programme (WFP)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Government Departments (Department of Agriculture)
Civil Society
Community Organisations
Red Cross Societies
Logistics Teams
Influence on humanitarian decisions
The map will inform logistical decisions by government and NGOs on where food distribution requirements are not currently being met
The map is produced by identifying the number of beneficiaries against the total number of households by each island.
This will require survey data on the distribution of food which will generate a number of requirements for additional metadata to support map production. These are the temporal elements (date of collection, date of publication, frequency), the geographic elements (coverage, sampling frame) and the quality elements (modelling approach, uncertainty, confidence intervals).
Administrative boundaries
Population and household survey/census data
MIRA survey data on beneficiaries and total distribution
Cyclone track data
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