The Global WASH cluster
WASH is represented by the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) which is lead by UNICEF. Their vision is that:
"Increased coordination and response quality and capacity of national WASH coordination platforms will result in the improved relevance, quality, coverage and effectiveness of WASH assistance provided to people affected by emergencies"
In support of this vision the GWC has produced the following important documents/resources:
Delivering Humanitarian WASH at Scale, Anywhere and Any Time - Road Map for 2020-2025
The WASH road map for 2020-2025 introduces a new vision for the WASH sector - "By 2025, the WASH sector will have the capacity and resources to deliver in emergencies at scale, anywhere and at any time" - achieved through strategic axes, prerequisites and principles.
The Global WASH cluster coordination tool kit (CTK)
The CTK provides guidance, tools and field examples to support all members of WASH coordination platforms to implement the functions and tasks linked to Humanitarian WASH coordination. Areas relating to information management are shown below:
Coordination platform
Delivers services according to HRP and WASH strategic priorities.
Avoids duplication.
Set up with information management officer.
Conducts gap analysis against GWC national WASH minimum requirements.
Creates specific information management working groups if required.
Gap analyses and advocacy
Examines WASH data against response requirements and objectives
Develops appropriate visualizations/infographics to identify and highlight gaps.
Develops information products presenting response progress and gaps, and disseminate them as appropriate.
Advocates to the relevant level/actor for the resolution of the observed gaps.
Information management
Carries out initial diagnosis using the IM checklist in 2017 IM Diagnosis Tool Draft Annex I & III Audit & Questions.xlsx and the 2017 GWC IM Diagnostic Briefing Note.docx.
Produces IM framework outlining the main information management related tasks that need addressing throughout the emergency using the 2016 GWC IM Framework & Workplan tool.xlsx template.
Setup 3/4/5W activity reporting tool (3W template available).
Prepares WASH cluster visualisation and reporting templates consisting of style guides, logos, fonts, MS office, InDesign and GIS templates.
Establishes and maintains WASH contact management system, operational website and file sharing repository (including GWC File Naming Guidance).
Evaluates and operationalises other IM tools as seen fit.
Needs assessment
Ensures the multi-sector humanitarian response is built on solid WASH evidences.
Defines the information needs i.e. geographic areas, administration levels and demographics.
Implements an assessment diagnosis describing who collects the data, when and how along with key gaps, limitations and challenges.
Define and disseminate core WASH indicators to collect basic WASH data, covering the largest possible area, at the highest frequency and with the minimum effort.
Mainstream core WASH indicator collection into all data collection initiatives.
Implement secondary data review and registry with care taken to note information gaps.
Coordinate and lead WASH primary data collection and implement the assessment (including analysing and sharing the information)
Contribute to inter-sectorial needs analysis such as MSNA, HNOs, Flash Appeals and MIRAs.
Estimate People in Need (PIN) figures and prioritise WASH needs through a WASH severity mapping.
Response monitoring
Sets up monitoring and data analysis platform coherent local systems or 2017 UNICEF Indicator registry.xlsx and OCHA’s Humanitarian Indicator Registry
Creates a plan for analysing the indicators clarifying the type, frequency and outputs of the analysis that should be made.
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