Classifying food security

Map shows estimated food insecurity for flood affected regions using the Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) scale from the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET).

Strategic or operational?


Basemap, baseline or situational?


When might it be produced?

As early as possible in a response.

Intended audience

  • World Food Programme (WFP)

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

  • Government Departments (Department of Agriculture)

Influence on humanitarian decisions

The map will be one of the most important in a response for identifying priority areas where food insecurity needs are at their greatest.


The map uses the existing IPC classification to identify whether regions are stressed, in crisis, in emergency or in catastrophe/famine.

The IPC uses survey data which will require an understanding of the metadata around temporal elements (date of collection, date of publication, frequency), the geographic elements (coverage, sampling frame) and the quality elements (modelling approach, uncertainty, confidence intervals).

The map also includes settlement locations and water bodies to provide context to the IPC data.


  • Administrative Boundaries

  • Water bodies

  • Settlements

  • IPC classification data


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