Map shows the storm track and flooding extent over time together with locations where assessments and food drops have been undertaken.
Strategic and operational
The map should be produced as the data becomes available and should be reviewed and updated regularly as the operations change
World Food Programme (WFP)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Government Departments (Department of Agriculture)
Civil Society
Community Organisations
Red Cross Societies
Logistics Teams
It will inform government and the response where the operations are under way undertaking assessments and distributing food.
Access to timely and accurate data is essential for a Food Security response. It is important to get the best available data although it may not always be perfect. Questions should be asked such as:
When was the data collected?
What time period does it cover?
When will it next be updated?
How accurate is the data?
Are the figure actual, estimates or projections?
What level of granularity is the data available at? What area might the data be reflected on
Is the data publicly available, are there any restrictions on publishing?
A large amount of demographic data is publicly available online but consideration should be taken of any sensitivities that may relate to this data for example ethnicity. These sensitivities may lead to a decision to not place a certain dataset on a map.
Robust information management and governance is essential when accessing, storing and visualising Food Security data. The agreed use of the data must be established and recorded from the outset.
Storm track
Storm surge severity ranking
Flood extent
Road status
Assessment locations
Food drop
Populated place
Administrative areas
Population density
Map shows information on the amount of noodles in metric tonnes required, delivered and for delivery per island. The gap is the difference between the requirement needs and what has been delivered.
The map should be produced as the data becomes available and should be reviewed and updated regularly as the operations change.
World Food Programme (WFP)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Government Departments (Department of Agriculture)
Civil Society
Community Organisations
Red Cross Societies
Logistics Teams
This map marries the amount of food estimated as needed for a critical period with the amount which has been delivered to date. This can be repeated for several different commodities.
Using a simple basemap with administrative areas, text labels show the name of the administration area, and total for needs, delivered, for delivery, gaps. Can be programmed to pick up values in different columns so that a suite of maps for different commodities can be produced easily. A colour coded and symbology can enhance the visuals on the cartography.
Administrative Boundaries
Food needs, delivered, for delivery and gaps
Map shows the number of households, beneficiaries and total metric tons of distributed food by island and province in Vanuatu
After the initial assessments of a response.
World Food Programme (WFP)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Government Departments (Department of Agriculture)
Civil Society
Community Organisations
Red Cross Societies
Logistics Teams
The map will inform logistical decisions by government and NGOs on where food distribution requirements are not currently being met
The map is produced by identifying the number of beneficiaries against the total number of households by each island.
This will require survey data on the distribution of food which will generate a number of requirements for additional metadata to support map production. These are the temporal elements (date of collection, date of publication, frequency), the geographic elements (coverage, sampling frame) and the quality elements (modelling approach, uncertainty, confidence intervals).
Administrative boundaries
Population and household survey/census data
MIRA survey data on beneficiaries and total distribution
Cyclone track data
This map shows the location of WFP food distribution points in earthquake affected zones.
Distribution location, logistics and operational maps should be produced as the data becomes available and should be reviewed and updated regularly as the operations change.
World Food Programme (WFP)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Government Departments (Department of Agriculture and Department of Health)
Civil Society
Community Organisations
Logistics Teams
The map Will inform government and response where the operations are under way to distribute food, but also identify gaps. Additional information on the number of vulnerable or affected people (nutrition indices) would assist in identifying gaps in the response and help identify locations for more distribution centres Another improvement would be to combine where several agencies may be distributing food (government , red cross) as well as WFP/Food Cluster.
Access to timely and accurate data is essential for a food security response. It is important to get the best available data although it may not always be perfect. Questions should be asked such as:
When was the data collected?
What time period does it cover?
When will it next be updated?
How accurate is the data?
Are the figure actual, estimates or projections?
What level of granularity is the data available at? What area might the data be reflected on
Is the data publicly available, are there any restrictions on publishing?
A large amount of demographic data is publicly available online but consideration should be taken of any sensitivities that may relate to this data for example ethnicity. These sensitivities may lead to a decision to not place a certain dataset on a map.
Robust information management and governance is essential when accessing, storing and visualising Food Security data. The agreed use of the data must be established and recorded from the outset.
Topographic Data
Built up Areas
Populated Places
Administrative Boundaries
Food Security/Nutrition Indices
Locations of distribution points (with ID numbers and possibly which agencies coordinates activity).
While in-kind aid is still an important component of humanitarian responses, over the past few years cash-based transfers have increasingly been seen as a way to stop swamping markets with commodities that could cause livelihood and economic upset, as well as aid dependency. Other methods include government schemes (safety nets/social welfare payments), or foreign remittances from the diaspora.
Various methods exist for cash transfer:
Through banks and other financial institutions.
Through cash hand outs.
Through voucher schemes e-vouchers through SMS/internet.
Bank or other money transfers through SMS/internet.
If there is an existing scheme already in place then it will continue, but cash-based transfers mapping will primarily come after market assessments have been carried out. These assessments can be very simple, with the aim of understanding:
Market environment: e.g. indicators relating to access and transport to market, or security at markets.
Market availability: what you can buy at the market.
Structure and conduct: (a) what are the supply chains, what is the catchment of the market and, (b) are there any cartels operating or price setting?
Market performance price tracking: a very good indicator of supply against demand. If something is going wrong with supply and demand then prices will skyrocket (in a few cases if oversupply from food aid comes in, prices may collapse).
Household access: are households getting access to key commodities, and do they have the financial resources to buy them?
Agents who do cash-based transfers may be the relief operation coordination cluster themselves, their supporting international and local NGOs, or even private companies (e.g. Western Union).
While in-kind aid will still be an important component, cash and vouchers are seen as an effective way to stop swamping markets with commodities that could cause livelihood and economic upset, as well as aid dependency.
Products should help addresses issues such as:
Where are cash transfers being made, and in what quantities?
What markets are operating where?
What is the catchment of a market?
What are commodity prices at each market, and how are these changing over time?
What has the impact of the disaster been on local food supplies?
How are these parameters expected to change over time?
Baseline - pre-disaster layers:
Market locations, size and characteristics.
Normal market catchments, derived from assessments: i.e. a boundary to show what the closest market to a location is.
Usual access to markets (accessibility layer): same as above but reflecting the distance to market as opposed to a boundary of the catchment.
Population characteristics: at an early stage totals, followed by age groups (identify old, young and baby), followed by vulnerability (poverty indices).
Existing safety benefits (more country level than geographical).
Existing partners/structure for cash /voucher distribution.
Existing partners/structure for voucher usage (traders/minimarts).
Logistics, prepositioning warehouses etc.
Assessment by mobile data collection of market assessment.
Financial system functioning status (situational data).
What commodities? Generally there is a need for an overview, not a detailed review of specific commodities, but there could also be a need for some specialist reviews (e.g. fish availability in coastal communities).
Impacts of type of emergency on food supply: this would be more on the complex emergency side – unpredictable and ongoing events.
Logistics: warehouses etc that are set up in the emergency.
Security/access issues: e.g. the blockages maps we already do – this has as much impact on the ability of traders to deliver food as relief operations do.
World Food Programme - Cash Based Transfers